Vista Codec Package - cборник кодеков, нужных для просмотра видео. Предназначен сначала как дополнение к Windows Vista (в том числе при возникновении ошибки с прекращением работы COM Surrogate), вообщем же может быть установлен в Windows 2000/XP/2003/Vista (32-bit). Интерфейс практически на 20 языках.
Codecs have been a trouble for most exploiters at one time or another. This is because there has never been an'out of the box' working solution that the average computer user could install and just have everything work properly from the beginning. There are several decent codec package solutions out there, but none of them did everything I wanted. I was always in need of a tweak, adjustment, or even a re-installation just to get the codecs I needed/wanted and most of the time, the file still didn't play properly. I've never arrogated to be a metiers guru. My metiers experience prior to producing these packages was to double - click a file I downloaded and hope that it ran.
The installer will mechanically withdraw most other democratic codec packs from your calculator before establishing this concise eventually comprehensive windowpanes metiers center apparatus package. You gained't need to make whatsoever allowances or fine - tunes to savour your windowpanes metiers center content immediately. Windowpanes Metiers Musician and View Metiers Center will instantaneously greet all your files as playable.
It does not control a metiers musician and it does not associate file - types. With the view codec package established you will be capable to use whatsoever metiers musician, limited only by the musicians' capabilities, to play all movies and video clips. Streaming video is supported in several formats in all popular web browsers. Users of Windows Vista Codec Package have the ability to choose what is installed and where to install it using the public redistributable. After installation you can select to remove specific portions without removing the entire codec package. You can also re-add the removed items at any time.